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Free Mary Not Broken Audiobook

Amazon offers Mary Not Broken Audiobook for Free (reg ).

Product Description:
In 1930s Mississippi, Mary Johnson hates the oppressive heat, working on her family farm, and having to attend her minister father's church several times a week. But she loves Mason Carter, her musician boyfriend. Both fantasize about living the high life up north in the big city.
When William Bevers, a wealthy old preacher, comes to court her, he promises a life of luxury along with money and status for her family. Mary wants nothing to do with him, but her parents decide for her. Determined to avoid a forced marriage, Mary elopes with Mason to the bright lights of Chicago.
But life up north is not the dream they expected. Multiple tragedies push Mary to the brink, and she soon returns home to the very world she tried so desperately to escape.
Too numb to stave off the pressure from her father, Mary considers accepting William's proposal. But she soon realizes that life as the preacher's wife might not provide the safety and security she craves.

Category: Apps

Posted on 29 May 2024, 06:07 AM